Credits and Contact Hours
3 credits, 43 hours
Course Instructor Name
Prof. Tassos Dimitriou
Introduction to the Theory of Computation, Michael Sipser, 3rd Edition
Catalog Description
The goal of the course is to introduce the student in the theoretical models for computation. This course provides coverage of the hierarchies of formal languages and non-deterministic automata, emphasizing on the correspondence between them. The theory of computability and decidability is introduced. Other topics include: Role of formal languages and automata in the study of computability and complexity. Finite state automata and regular expressions. Pushdown automata and context-free grammars. Turing machines and computable functions. Overview of algorithms.
Specific Goals for the Course
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Develop understanding of finite state systems, their specifications and properties and ability to build them to meet a task and convert between different types of finite state systems (Student outcomes: 1, 2).
Demonstrate understanding of regular expressions and their connection to finite state machines and ability to build machines to recognize regular expression patterns and vice versa (Student outcomes: 1, 2).
Demonstrate understanding of context-free grammars, languages, derivations and parse trees and ability to construct grammars for specific tasks (Student outcomes: 1, 2).
Demonstrate understanding of pushdown store automata and the associated LIFO data structure and the connection with context-free grammars and ability to construct such machines for specific tasks and convert between such machines and context-free grammars (Student outcomes: 1, 2).
Learn machines and languages of the Chomsky Hierarchy (Student outcomes: 1).
Develop understanding of Turing machines and recursive and recursively enumerable languages and phrase structure grammars (Student outcomes: 1).
Develop understanding of the principles of computability and complexity including decision problems, halting problems and basic complexity classes such as P and NP (Student outcomes: 1).
Recognize of the need for and practice in formal specification (Student outcomes: 1, 7).
Learn the concept of and practice with programming with limited resources or on restricted systems (Student outcomes: 1, 2).
Understand the limits of computation (Student outcomes: 1)
Topics to Be Covered
Mathematical notions and terminology, theorems, proofs, and proof types
Grammars, automata, computability, complexity and languages
Finite-state languages and finite-state automata
Context-free languages, pushdown automata, non-context-free languages
Recursively enumerable and recursive languages, and Turing machines
Closure properties, pumping lemmas, and decidability, the halting problem
Reducibility, undecidability, undecidable problems, mapping reducability
Introduction to computability, the recurrence theorem, Turing decidability.