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سالم محمد سالم الكنيمش

أستاذ مساعد

موقع المكتب:

Selected Publications

  • Corbin JM, Kailemia MJ, Cadieux CL, Alkanaimsh S, Karuppanan K, Rodriguez RL, Lebrilla CB, Cerasoli DM, McDonald KA, Nandi S, “Purification, characterization, and N-glycosylation of recombinant butyrylcholinesterase from transgenic rice cell suspension cultures”, Biotechnol. Bio. Eng, 2018, 115(5)1301-1310
  • Alkanaimsh S, Corbin JM, Kailemia MJ, Karuppanan K, Rodriguez R, Lebrilla CB, McDonald KA, Nandi S, “Purification and site-specific N-glycoysltation analysis of human recombinant butyrylcholinesterase from Nicotiana benthamiana”, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 142, 58-67.
  • Alkanaimsh S, Karuppanan K, Guerrero Hwang MS, Phu ML, Arzola L, Lebrilla CB, Dandekar AM, Falk BW, Nandi S, Rodriguez RL, McDonald A, Tu AM, Hashimoto B, KA., “Transient Expression of Tetrameric Recombinant Human Butyrylcholinesterase in Nicotiana benthamiana”, Front Plant Sci, 2016, 16, (7), 743