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Computer Networks
This is an introductory course in computer networks. It gives an overview of current computer networks and its history. It introduces the OSI and TCP/IP network architecture models and protocols. It then studies the implementation principles and design issues at each layer of these models. Lecture topics include: the structure and components of computer networks, application layer protocols, packet switching, layered architectures, TCP/IP, physical layer, error control, local area networks (wire and wired), network layer, congestion control, and multiple access. Laboratory work focuses on experimenting with packet tracing tools and the implementation of protocols covered in lectures, e.g., stop-and-wait protocol, socket programming, Dijkstra routing algorithm and others.

Credits and Contact Hours

3 credits, 43 hours

Course Instructor Name

Prof. Anwar Alyatama, Dr. Mohamad Awad and Dr. Ebrahim Al-Rashid


Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, James Kurose and Keith Ross, 8th Edition, 2020

Catalog Description

This is an introductory course in computer networks. It gives an overview of current computer networks and its history. It introduces the OSI and TCP/IP network architecture models and protocols. It then studies the implementation principles and design issues at each layer of these models. Lecture topics include: the structure and components of computer networks, application layer protocols, packet switching, layered architectures, TCP/IP, physical layer, error control, local area networks (wire and wired), network layer, congestion control, and multiple access. Laboratory work focuses on experimenting with packet tracing tools and the implementation of protocols covered in lectures, e.g., stop-and-wait protocol, socket programming, Dijkstra routing algorithm and others.


ENGR-104, CpE-207 and ENGR-304



Specific Goals for the Course

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

Demonstrate understanding of the basics of data communications such as data transmission, data encoding, interface, multiplexing. (Student outcomes: 1,)

Differentiate between the circuit switching and packet switching. (Student outcomes: 1)

Demonstrate understanding the OSI Networking Model, and associated functions of each layer. (Student outcomes: 1)

Compare and contrast the OSI model with the TCP/IP model. (Student outcomes: 6)

Understand the basic concepts of LAN technologies and topologies and the IEEE802 LAN standards. (Student outcomes: 6)

Demonstrate understanding of the TCP/IP application level protocols-TELNET, FTP, and HTTP. (Student outcomes: 6)

Build client-server programs of moderate size by using network socket programming interface. (Student outcomes: 6)

Identify different components (repeaters, bridges, switches, routers, and gateways) and topologies of a network. (Student outcomes: 1)

Demonstrate understanding of basic concepts of error detection and correction at the data link layer. (Student outcomes: 6)

Demonstrate understanding of the concepts and ability to identify the key design parameters regarding data link, network routing and transport layer protocol. (Student outcomes: 1, 2)

Topics to Be Covered

Introduction to networks, Internet and open system standards

Application Layer

Transport Layer

Network Layer and Routing

Link Layer and Local Area Networks

Physical Layer