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Computer Systems Engineering
Approaches to the development of systems in computer engineering, the special problems and the issues, primarily through hands-on design experiences and development of professional skills. The course provides information about the principles, methods and skills that are essential to engineering design. Concept of a life-cycle, nature of life cycle models, and phases of typical life cycles. Ethics and legal issues. Quality issues, process and process improvement. Issue of teams, team selection, roles in teams, and elements of teamwork. Selection of design and design alternatives for experiments, selection of test cases, support tools, standards and emerging technologies. Techniques and approaches associated with the different phases, special problems of design and the issues associated with tradeoffs, special problems of hardware/software tradeoffs, specifications and requirements engineering, design and architecture, testing, integration, maintenance, oral and written technical communication.

Credits and Contact Hours

3 credits, 43 hours

Course Coordinator's Name Dr. Sa\'ed Abed, Dr. Mohammaed Al-Shayeji


Design for Electrical and Computer Engineers, Chris S. Coulston, The Behrend College, and Ralph, 1st Edition

Reference Texts

Benjamin S. Blanchard, Systems Engineering Management, 3rd edition, John-Wiley Publishers, 2003.

Gary B. Shelly and Harry J. Rosenblatt, Analysis and Design for Systems, 9th Edition, Shelly Cashman Series, 2012.

Karl T. Ulrich & Steven D. Eppinger, Product Design and Development, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2012.

Kassem A. Saleh, Software Engineering, J. Ross Publishing, 2009.

Catalog Description

This course provides approaches to the development of systems in computer engineering, the special problems, and the issues, primarily through hands-on design experiences and development of professional skills. The course provides information about the principles, methods and skills that are essential to engineering design. Concept of a life cycle, nature of life cycle models, and phases of typical life cycles. Ethics and legal issues. Quality issues; process and process improvement. Issue of teams, team selection, roles in teams, and elements of teamwork. Selection of design and design alternatives for experiments, selection of test cases, support tools, standards, and emerging technologies. Techniques and approaches associated with the different phases; special problems of design and the issues associated with tradeoffs, special problems of hardware/software tradeoffs; specifications and requirements engineering; design and architecture; testing; Integration; maintenance, oral and written technical communication.


ENGR-356, CpE-363, CpE-371

Specific Goals for the Course

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

Understand the elements of systems life cycle and the iterative nature of design process. (Student outcomes: 1, 2, 4)

Recognize and explain the possible interdisciplinary nature associated with the development of the range of computer-based systems. (Student outcomes: 4, 7)

Recognize the need for a disciplined approach to system development. (Student outcomes: 1, 2)

Apply one of a range of techniques to elicit and then describe the requirements for a particular system. (Student outcomes: 1, 2)

Create a high-quality specification of a given system. (Student outcomes: 1, 2, 3)

Select and implement an appropriate design approach for a range of possible applications. (Student outcomes: 1, 2)

Recognize the range of tests appropriate for each stage of the systems life cycle. (Student outcomes: 1, 2)

Recognize and apply mechanisms that ensure maintainability of computer systems. (Student outcomes: 1, 2)

Demonstrate the ability to function in a team, and awareness of professional and ethical responsibility in the design of a system. (Student outcomes: 4, 5)

Understand and acquire the skills required for managing a project throughout its life cycle. (Student outcomes: 1, 2, 4)

Topics to Be Covered

Introduction (course overview and process, templates, rubrics).

Team Dynamics' and Teamwork.

Management and Planning.

Project Idea (opportunity identification, concept selection, objectives, evaluation, generation).

Technology and Related Projects.

Engineering Analysis (requirements and specification).

Design Process.



Technical writing and documentation.

Oral and professional skills.