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Human-Computer Interaction
Psychological principles of human-computer interaction, Building a simple graphical user interface (principles of GUIs, GUI toolkits), Human-centered software evaluation and development, Graphical user-interface design and programming (HCI aspects of common widgets, interaction techniques, screen design, GUI builders and GUI programming environments), integrate ethical perspectives in HCI solutions, Intelligent systems (artificial intelligence concepts), HCI aspects of multimedia systems (categorization and architectures of information, HCI design of multimedia information systems, speech recognition and natural language processing).

Credits and Contact Hours

3 credits, 43 hours

Course Instructor Name

Dr. Mohamed A. Jeragh, Dr. Asmaa Al-Sumait, and Dr. Mohamed Alkandari


Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction, Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant, Maxine Cohen, and Steven Jacobs, 5th Edition

Catalog Description

Psychological principles of human-computer interaction, Building a simple graphical user interface (principles of GUIs, GUI toolkits), Human-centered software evaluation and development, Graphical user-interface design and programming (HCI aspects of common widgets, interaction techniques, screen design, GUI builders and GUI programming environments), Intelligent systems (artificial intelligence concepts), HCI aspects of multimedia systems (categorization and architectures of information, HCI design of multimedia information systems, speech recognition and natural language processing).



Specific Goals for the Course

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Develop understanding of models of human performance that impact and inform the design of computing systems. (Student outcomes: 2, 4)
  • Understand past, present and future computer hardware and how its design impacts human interaction.
  • Demonstrate understanding of standard and novel computer interaction strategies and how these can be effectively design to support human interaction. (Student outcomes: 2, 4)
  • Use evaluation methodologies to improve design and development of new computer technologies.
  • Explore advanced topics in Human Computer Interaction such as Information Visualization, Ubiquitous Computing, and Computer Supported Cooperative Work. (Student outcomes: 4)
  • Demonstrate ability to document and present their work to an acceptable standard. (Student outcomes: 3)
  • Demonstrate the ability to function on a team and awareness of professional and ethical responsibility to accomplish a project. (Student outcomes: 4)

Topics to Be Covered

  • Properties and models of users
  • Properties and models of computers and computing
  • Interfaces of interest
  • Design and evaluation of interfaces, including metrics
  • Presentation and discussion of team projects