Credits and Contact Hours
3 credits, 43 hours
Course Instructor Name
Dr. Mohammad Allaho
Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan and Hinrich Schütze, "Introduction to Information Retrieval", Cambridge University Press. 2008.
W. Bruce Croft, Donald Metzler, and Trevor Strohman, "Search Engines, Information Retrieval in Practice". 2015
Catalog Description
This is an undergraduate-level introductory course for information retrieval. It will cover algorithms, design, and implementation of modern information retrieval systems. Topics include: retrieval system design and implementation, text analysis techniques, retrieval models (e.g., Boolean, vector space, probabilistic, and learning-based methods), search evaluation, retrieval feedback, search log mining, and applications in web information management.
CpE-207 and ENGR-304
Specific Goals for the Course
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Write code for text indexing and retrieval. (Student outcomes: 1, 6)
- Evaluate information retrieval systems. (Student outcomes: 2)
- Analyze textual and semi-structured data sets. (Student outcomes: 1, 6)
- Evaluate information retrieval systems. (Student outcomes: 1, 6)
- Learn about text similarity measures. (Student outcomes: 6)
- Build specified search engines. (Student outcomes: 1, 4, 6)
Topics to Be Covered
- Overview of text retrieval systems
- Retrieval models and implementation: Vector Space Models
- Query expansion and feedback
- Probabilistic models; statistical language models
- Text classification & Text clustering
- Web search basics, crawling, indexes, Link analysis
- Specialty search engine
- IR applications