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Hardware Description Language-Based Design
This course is a study of techniques and processes for the design of digital systems. The focus is on the design of system modules derived from functional and interface specifications. A progression of designs, culminating in the design of a digital central processing unit and its peripheral units, will be used to illustrate both design and test techniques and procedures. This course will use a modern high level Hardware Design Language (HDL) as the main design tool. While implementation at the logic component (gate) level will be considered, the focus will be on system-level design and higher level behavioral modeling.

Credits and Contact Hours

3 credits, 43 hours

Course Instructor Name

Dr. Abbas Fairouz


  • Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis, Samir Palnitkar, 2nd Edition
  • Michael D. Ciletti, Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL

Catalog Description

This course is a study of techniques and processes for the design of digital systems. The focus is on the design of system modules derived from functional and interface specifications. A progression of designs, culminating in the design of a digital central processing unit and its peripheral units, will be used to illustrate both design and test techniques and procedures. This course will use a modern high level Hardware Design Language (HDL) as the main design tool. While implementation at the logic component (gate) level will be considered, the focus will be on system-level design and higher level behavioral modeling.


CpE-207, CpE-368

Specific Goals for the Course

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand the role of HDL in digital design process. (Student outcomes: 1)
  • Develop behavioral, register transfer, and structural/gate level HDL models of digital systems. (Student outcomes: 1, 2)
  • Verify/validate HDL-based digital system designs by using simulations through modern EDA software. (Student outcomes: 1, 2, 6)
  • Synthesize behavioral, register transfer, and structural/gate level HDL models of digital systems to various technologies. (Student outcomes: 1, 2)
  • Use the state of the art Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools such as Synopsis or Altera Quartus in modeling and simulation of digital systems. (Student outcomes: 1, 2)
  • Express digital design at multilevel of abstraction in Verilog HDL. (Student outcomes: 1, 2)
  • Use CAD tool for visualization of logic simulation. (Student outcomes: 2, 6)
  • Design combination circuits of increasing complexity according to a stated functional behavior. (Student outcomes: 1, 2)
  • Integrate previously designed components into a large-scale system to meet the specified requirements. (Student outcomes: 1, 2)
  • Express digital design at System-level languages, such as SystemC.

Topics to Be Covered

  • Digital design methodology.
  • Evolution of hardware description languages (HDLs).
  • Hierarchical modeling concepts.
  • Data types and operators.
  • Modules and ports: declaration and connections.
  • Combinational and sequential circuit design.
  • Structural, behavioral and RTL modeling of digital systems.
  • Finite state machines minimization and assignments.
  • Design implementation technologies.
  • Design and synthesis of digital logic.
  • Algorithms and architectures for digital processors.
  • System-level design languages.