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Dr. Souhaila AlMutawa



Souhaila F. Almutawa

Assistant Professor

Office Location:


Degree Field Institution Year
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering Syracuse University 1993
M.S. Mechanical Engineering University of Rochester 1988
B.S. Mechanical Engineering Kuwait University 1984

Research Interests

Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Automation, CAD/CAM

Selected Publications

Selected Conference Publications

  • Applying Japanese Productivity Tools, 12th PMI-AGC International Conference Seminars and Exhibition, _, Manama,Bahrain, Jan, 2009 - Jan, 2009
  • A Regional Collaboration Effort to Incorporate Contemporary Issues into Engineering Curriculum: The Case of ManagingOzone Depleting Substances, The Second International Conference on Engineering Education and Training, _, Kuwait, Apr,2007 - Apr, 2007
  • The Design and Implementation of ISO 17025:1999 in Civil Engineering Testing Center at Kuwait University, EngineeringInsights Confernce, OCCD, College of Engineering and Petroleum, Kuwait University, Kuwait, Feb, 2005 - Feb, 2005
  • Machine Selection Optimization In Multi-Stage Manufacturing Systems with Balancing Constraints, International MechanicalEngineering Conference (IMEC2004), _, Kuwait, Dec, 2004 - Dec, 2004
  • The Design and Implementation of ISO 17025:1999 in the Civil Engineering Testing Center at Kuwait University, FirstAnnual Quality Congress, _, Tehran, Iran, Nov, 2002 - Nov, 2002

Selected Journal Publications

  • S.Almutawa, M.Savsar, K.Al-Rashdan, “Optimum Machine Selection In Multistage Manufacturing Systems”, InternationalJournal of Production Research,Mar, 2005, _
  • S. Almutawa and Y.B. Moon, “The Development of a Connectionist Expert System for Compensation of Color Deviation inOffset Lithographic Printing”, Artificial Intelligence in Engineering,1999, _
  • Almutawa, S. and Y.B. Moon, “Process Drift Control in Lithographic Printing: Issues and Connectionist Expert SystemApproach”, Computers in Industry,1993, _
  • S. Almutawa and B.Alhajji, “Al Tools for Printers: Advanced Expert System Development”, GATFWorld,Mar, 1999 - Apr,1999, _
  • S. Almutawa and B.Alhajji, “Al Tools for Printers:Expert System Development”, GATFWorld,Nov, 1998 - Dec, 1998, _

Work Experience

Academic Experience
Office/Department/Institution Duty Year
Kuwait University, Mechanical Engineering department Assistant Professor 1994 - Present
Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Kuwait University, Kuwait Consultant 2003 - 2004
College for Women, Kuwait University, Kuwait Executive Officer 2002 - 2003
Industry Experience
Organization Designation Year/Period
Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Manufacturing Engineering, Syracuse University Adjunct Instructor 1993
Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Manufacturing Engineering, Syracuse University Teaching Assistant 1991
Energy Conservation and Management Group, Engineering Division, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research Research Assistant 1984 -1986